
St Andrew's Church, Caversham

 Gift Aid is very important to St Andrew’s.  It adds 25% to your donation so for every £100 donated we receive £125.  If you play UK tax please make sure you complete Gift Aid donation if prompted by the donation platform.

If you donate via BACS direct to our account please fill in the Gift Aid form and give to the church warden or sidesmen at church or post through vicar’s door.

If you are donating to a charity via the church, please let us know and send the treasurer a message by clicking here.

Many thanks!

Please select from the following options:

To make a one-off donation, either click this button:


(a 1.95% fee will be deducted)


text MYCHURCHFIVE/ MYCHURCHTEN/ MYCHURCHTWENTY to 70085 to donate £5/10/20.

(Texts cost £5/10/20 plus one standard rate message)


To set up a regular donation, please use the Parish Giving Scheme (direct debit)

This is the option we would ask regular givers to use.

Information about the scheme is here.

To set it up, simply ring the Parish Giving Scheme on 0333 002 1271.

Have to hand your bank details and our parish code, 270627445.

Or, if you prefer, you can print out and fill in the form here.



To instruct your bank to make a payment to the church (BACS), the parish bank account is:

name: St. Andrew’s Church

no: 70520306

(a business account)

at: Barclays Bank

Sort Code: 20-71-03

Gift Aid Declaration (only)

and finally:

St. Andrew’s occasionally benefits from legacies generously provided in wills. Should you wish to consider this then please speak to a solicitor or contact the church and we can help.

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